Cristobal (Chris) Dobrzanski
A seasoned and enthusiastic observer of the North American financial scene and community impact, Chris Dobrzanski, retired November 2015 from his position as Citizens Bank of Canada (CB) CEO and Chief Economist at CB’s parent, Vancity Credit Union. Chris remains active with impact investing and with Global Social Economic Forum.
Chris joined Vancity in 1984 and had built a risk management system that combines local member behaviour with international economic trends. He has adapted innovative financial strategies to improve service, advance employees, maintain capital adequacy and regulatory compliance, and contribute to community prosperity.
In 2009, he served as the interim senior vice president of Vancity’s new Social Finance division (now Community Investment), which aims to create a greater community impact through the credit union’s lending and treasury activities. In addition to setting up the division and its strategy, Chris also ensured a greater fiduciary accountability in these activities.
Prior to joining Vancity, Chris was a founding director of the University Community Credit Union, which became a branch of the B.C. Teachers Credit Union and later merged with Vancity. He also worked for the Credit Union Reserve Board. Chris served on the board of the self-governing Stabilization Central Credit Union in British Columbia for six years ending in 2007. He spent more than four years with the Bank of British Columbia in international lending in the mid 1980s.
Chris’s international work has taken him to Argentina, China, Mexico, Poland, Russia and most recently Korea. In 2002 he completed the co-op studies program at the University of Bologna in Italy.
Chris holds investment management certification, a MA in Economics and a MBA in Finance from the University of British Columbia. He is fluent in four languages.